sliding mitts for baseball and softball | imagined by ✘
Drip designed by X to protect you on the base paths. Featuring protective plates on the top and a pad on the bottom for stabilization and flexibility.
sizing guide:
Fit both left or right hands, and a stretchy compression wrist strap.
Exact measurements:
Standard is 10.25” in length, and 5” wide.
*Designed to fit most any wrist size over the age of 12.
Youth is 10” in length, and 4.75” wide.
*Designed to fit most ages 12 and under.
*Not for human consumption.
Warning: This equipment may be used to help in preventing or reducing the extent of an injury. No equipment can guarantee player safety when participating in sporting or other events. This equipment carries no such guarantees.
10% of every purchase goes to Seattle Select on behalf of Blake Snell.