apollo 11 leg guard for baseball and softball | imagined by ✘
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Every piece in the Apollo 11 collection is designed with intention and story, from the exact images of the USA flag on Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 suit, to real photos of the moon landing. This is not just protective gear, this is functional art.

Our protective gear warranty covers sliding mitts, elbow guards and shin guards.
Warning: This equipment may be used to help in preventing or reducing the extent of an injury. No equipment can guarantee player safety when participating in sporting or other events. This equipment carries no such guarantees.

use a glove size chart to choose the perfect baseball or softball glove.

Whether you're a seasoned vet, just starting out, or someone looking to gift the player in your life - choosing the right glove size / web combination can feel complicated.
Using the baseball and softball glove size chart to find the perfect fit will help you avoid common mistakes. For example, a glove that is too loose can slip off the wrist on a diving play, while a glove that is too small and tight can feel restrictive.
By using a size chart, you can accurately determine your glove size based on your age and position.
It’s important to mention all gloves purchased come with our 30-day Worry Free Returns + 1 year Warranty.
So you can shop confidently knowing our team is on your side. You’re welcome to email us at any time at team@ariagloves.com
what our pros wear
jazz chisholm jr. infield glove size
Featuring 11.5" I-web Cookies & Cream
jazz chisholm jr. outfield glove size
Featuring 12.75 H-Web Prince Jazz signature RARE edition model.
Jazz's rotation in the outfield also includes the Strawberry Ice Cream Glove or Banana glove.
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Featuring 11.75 H-Web Bible glove.
team usa star sahvanna jaquish infield softball glove size
Featuring 11.5" I-web Strawberry Ice Cream glove.